Nguyen Thi Ha Linh, Truong Bach Le


The paper reported on part of a study investigating Vietnamese upper secondary school EFL teachers’ use of the set of new English textbooks Tieng Anh 11 as resources for achievement tests. To carry out this research, both qualitative and quantitative approaches including questionnaires and interviews were used to collect the data from research participants at some upper secondary schools in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam. The findings of the study showed the teachers’ practices in using the set of new English textbooks Tieng Anh 11 for achievement tests. They reported adapting the exercises and activities, following the teaching procedures, and referring to the book maps in the set of new English textbooks Tieng Anh 11 to organize revision, design one-period tests and semester exams. Especially, using the accompanying workbooks to revise what students learned accounted for the highest rate. Besides, major challenges of the upper-secondary school teachers in using this set are also uncovered through the results. The teachers mostly have difficulties in finding the relevant materials matching the prescribed test formats as well as the required language competence in the set of new English textbooks Tieng Anh 11, lacking the test formats and scoring criteria associated with achievement tests. From the research findings, some implications were suggested for teachers’ flexibility in teaching and test preparation processes, and for improving the set of new English textbooks Tieng Anh 11.

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textbooks, EFL teachers’ use of English textbooks, resources for test preparation, achievement tests

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