Coşkun Doğan


Translation act, which has been regarded as a sub-discipline of linguistics for many years, has a theoretical structure as an independent science. In this context, his understanding of translation act has also changed. The act of translation does not only consist of linguistic and textual problems. The act of translation is no longer an interlanguage transfer process and is carried out within the framework of multilateral cooperation. The translator, who is expected to perform the translation act in all its dimensions alone, now directs translation in the context of cooperation as a social business. This new understanding of translation, which puts the translator at the center of the translation act, imposes a social responsibility on the translator. As an expert, the translator undertakes a social role by planning the translation act. Translation, which is an act of cultural transference from the source text, is expected to be reflected in accordance with its function in culture. In this sense, the emotions, creativity and conditions of the translator as a person affect the cultural transfer through the act of translation. Translation act is a process planned by the translator. This process is determined individually. In this respect, the individual structure characteristics and experiences of the translator who directs the translation act are also of great importance. While analyzing the text in the translation process, the translator must also implement translation strategies according to text differences. Otherwise, the balance between the source text and the target text will be disrupted. The act of translation, as an act of thought, is a human act of the translator that bridges different socio-cultural structures. In this study, the problems experienced by the translator while performing the translation act as a human will be examined. The importance of the identity of the translator who performs the act of translation as a cultural transfer function in the context of social cooperation will be examined. Problems arising from the fact that translation act is a human act will be interpreted as a qualitative research by scanning the relevant sources.

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translation, human, social cooperation, culture

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