Ace N. Bombaes, Jeric S. Fuasan, Giri Sharma


The awareness of communicative way of teaching English comes in different forms. This paper discusses the grammime, a new form of TPR which is mainly designed for eight parts of speech. It is used in some English training schools in China and is seen effective because it helps young learners to be acquainted with grammatical structure of sentences thus helping them to construct well-structured sentences with the help of different hand gestures which represent a structural rule. Incorporating oral drill with hand movements can augment the opportunity of memorizing the words, their meanings, and structural rule which makes learning much easier, interactive, and fun. The results which were obtained through experimental approach and self-made assessment instrument for pretest and posttest were used to assess grammime’s influence and impact on young learner’s learning process and outcomes. It is explored that the intervention using grammime really has an impact on young learners’ learning outcomes. Most specifically, the results suggest that when young learners are exposed to grammime and they practice it, the acquisition of knowledge and the learning process and outcomes increase.

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