Nguyen Thi Thu Uyen, Truong Vien


This descriptive study aims to investigate tertiary EFL teachers’ perceptions and practices of doing research. The study was conducted with the participation of 67 EFL teachers from tertiary institutions in Cantho of Vietnam. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered via the questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to provide insights into how Cantho tertiary EFL teachers perceive the benefits and challenges of doing research as well as their current status of practices as researchers. The study revealed that (1) Cantho tertiary teachers held positive perceptions of conducting research in the field of English language teaching, and that (2) their practices as researchers were reported to be at a high level. Understanding these is an important part of the broader process of attempting to resolve research challenges teachers are facing and thus to encourage teacher research engagement among EFL teachers.

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teachers as researchers, perceptions, benefits, challenges, practices

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v5i5.3916


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