Mai Hung Dong


This study aims to investigate difficulties faced by the English-majored students in doing listening comprehension tasks. To facilitate this investigation, the researcher recruited a group of 38 English-majored students who study English as a foreign language. A questionnaire was used to collect the data of the study. The participants were asked questions concentrating on a series of 20 items put in the three categories of difficulties in doing listening comprehension tasks. These difficulties are related to listening materials, the role of the listener, and the physical setting. The results of this study showed that most of the students had difficulties related to the listening materials when they contain many unfamiliar words including jargons and idioms, speed of the speakers’ speeches, and long-spoken texts. Meanwhile, in terms of the listener, the students revealed that such difficulties as colloquial languages and slangs, unknown words while listening, and reduced forms have caused them to lose while listening. Finally, the students also found difficulties related to the physical setting. For instance, when the tests are taking place in a deafening place.


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difficulties, listening comprehension tasks, English majored students

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