Ariana Violić-Koprivec, Zrinka Režić Tolj


The implementation of digital technology changes the way how language is learned, and it enables various communication and interaction methods, both in and out of the classroom. This opens up new opportunities to increase student motivation which, as a consequence, facilitates better outcomes in foreign language acquisition. This research was conducted by using a questionnaire compiled by the authors of this paper. The participants of this research were students of philological and non-philological study programs who had been learning the French and Italian languages at Croatian universities (N=206). The aim of the research has been to develop and validate a scale for analyzing digital technology use in foreign language learning. The scale was used in order to analyze digital technology use in learning the French and Italian languages. The level of respondents' digital competence and the level of their language proficiency was determined, and the correlation of these two variables with digital technology use was examined in the total sample and on two sub-samples included in this research. The contribution of this research is the design of a valid measuring instrument to analyze digital technology use in foreign language learning.


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digital technology use in foreign language learning scale, digital competence, language proficiency level, French and Italian as a foreign language

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