Emmanouela V. Seiradakis


Genre analysis has offered us valuable insights into the rhetorical organization of different genres. Regarding the research article (RA) genre in engineering, previous move-based works have shown that disciplinary variation is evident, especially across computer engineering (CE) sub-disciplines which often showcase unique rhetorical structures and patterns due to the newness of the field. Using Swales’ seminal move analysis approach (1990) this paper presents a synthesis of move-based works that have explored RA textual structures in CE sub-disciplines. The discipline-specific A-IMRD move/step frameworks and patterns presented in this paper can form the foundation of research-based English for Academic Purposes (EAP) pedagogies and teaching materials tailored to the needs of CE students in academic writing courses.


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genre, disciplinary variation, computer engineering, research articles, rhetorical organization, English for academic purposes

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