Teachers’ role in improving the quality of the educational system is unquestionable. However, in order for teachers to fully and effectively play their role and help achieve the required educational objectives they have to be well-trained before their induction and the literature provides much evidence of this (Bozkuş, 2021). Hence, teacher pre-service training is a crucial stage in the early development of a teacher. The current study makes use of a mixed-method approach, including a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and observations to investigate the role of pre-service teacher training in developing EFL novice teacher classroom management competency. The participants were 43 Moroccan EFL novice middle school and high school teachers. The results showed that participants found classroom management challenging mainly due to the short and insufficient period of training in general and practicum in specific as well as the prioritization of theory over practice during training. Consequently, those novice teachers found themselves in a state of confusion about how to deal with such challenges which had an impact on their performance in the classroom.
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