Isaac Osei


This paper reports on a study investigating the professed or stated beliefs and practices of 61 second language (L2) teachers in Ghana concerning reading instruction. The primary aim of this study was to explore whether the teachers’ stated beliefs and practices reflected the research literature on effective L2 reading pedagogy. The research employed a questionnaire that generated both quantitative and qualitative data. The data analyses revealed little alignment between the teachers’ stated beliefs and practices and the research recommendations for effectively teaching reading. Instead, their stated beliefs and practices focused predominantly on read-aloud/pronunciation and vocabulary, constituting a partial conceptualization of effective reading pedagogy. The results are discussed, and implications for practical L2 reading instructions are provided.


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teacher beliefs, second language reading, reading comprehension, reading instruction, read-aloud

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v8i1.5284


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