Athina Varsamidou


The period of the pandemic and the imposed distance teaching in all educational institutions for almost two years changed the way of approaching the subjects on many levels. Teachers were called upon in difficult circumstances and under pressure to adapt their teaching materials, to prioritize their teaching techniques differently, to make use of the available modern and asynchronous communication platforms, restructuring their teaching accordingly. In this article we will present the results of a qualitative research conducted between March-May 2023 in the region of Thessaloniki, aiming to investigate the views of French teachers of public secondary and primary education on the distance teaching of French as a foreign language. The survey involved 20 permanent and contractual French language teachers who were teaching in secondary and primary education during the period of the health crisis. A semi-structured interview was used as a research instrument in order to have a question guide leading to specific answers. Specifically, the following axes, which are the research questions of the study, were posed: a) how did they organize the foreign language lesson during distance education and which teaching techniques were chosen; b) which tools of the WebEx educational platform were used; c) to what extent did they use the educational platforms e-class & E-me education; d) how did they evaluate the degree of development of students' linguistic communicative and pragmatic skills? e) what do they consider to be the main obstacles in distance teaching of foreign language? The teachers in the study have responded to the new challenging data, adapted their teaching practice and raised questions and concerns about distance teaching of French as a foreign language.


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teaching, French language, distance learning, distance teaching, modern and asynchronous communication platforms, teaching techniques

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