Samya Al-Shidi


Graphic organizers have become increasingly popular in tertiary education in the Sultanate of Oman in recent years, particularly in ESL and EFL reading-writing classes. These visually appealing tools are now widely recognized as an effective method for presenting knowledge, allowing learners to develop their understanding of the text with the guidance of the teacher. The incorporation of graphic organizers into English classes has been found to significantly improve students' reading and writing performance. The use of graphic organizers has transformed the learning experience, providing students with a structured and engaging platform to enhance their language abilities. Consequently, the use of graphic organizers as an instructional tool continues to flourish and have a positive impact on education in Oman, offering numerous opportunities for accelerated growth and enrichment in the field of language acquisition. Additionally, the implementation of graphic organizers has not only benefited students' linguistics skills but has also proved to be instrumental in developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. With their visually stimulating format, graphic organizers stimulate students' cognitive processes, prompting them to analyze and synthesize information more effectively. This not only improves their comprehension and retention but also equips them with valuable skills that are increasingly sought after in today's globalized and technologically driven society. Furthermore, the versatility of graphic organizers makes them adaptable to various subject areas and educational levels. Whether used in science, social studies, mathematics, or even creative writing courses, these tools have demonstrated their efficacy in facilitating knowledge acquisition and conceptual understanding. By visually organizing information, students are able to make connections between different concepts, identify key points, and extract crucial information in a more organized and systematic manner. The use of graphic organizers in tertiary education in Oman has revolutionized the way students learn and acquire knowledge. With their ability to enhance comprehension, foster critical thinking, promote collaboration, and adapt to various subject areas, these tools have proven to be an asset in empowering students and preparing them for success in higher education and beyond. The present study was conducted to recognize and determine the impact of hamburger and mind mapping graphic organizers utilization on undergraduates' English writing skills at Gulf College in Oman. It attempts to answer the following research questions: First, what are the effects of a hamburger graphic organizer used in paragraph writing? What are the effects of a mind-mapping graphic organizer used for the same purposes as a hamburger graphic organizer? To address this issue, a study has been conducted on the use of hamburgers and mind mapping organisers as tools for enhancing paragraph construction skills among undergraduate students at Gulf College. This study draws on a social constructionist theoretical framework and employs various research methods such as a systematic review of the literature, an in-depth semi-structured questionnaire to collect tutors’ perceptions and practices in using such graphic organisers, and an analysis of writing assignments of some Gulf College students in the academic year 2023/2024. Through this study, teachers expressed their concerns, perceptions, and teaching practices in terms of applying the hamburger and the mind-mapping graphic organisers to paragraph writing. The current study showed that students achieved greater success in the writing class when they passed through hamburger and mind mapping graphic organizers as the pre-writing stage of writing. They tend to have clearly stated topic sentences, main ideas, and supporting ideas in more coherent paragraphs.


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graphic organizers, mind mapping, assignments, perceptions, practices

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v8i2.5512


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