Sidi Youssef El Baghdadi, Hicham Latif, Redouane Madaoui


The listening skill is one of the most important, but challenging language skills to teach to EFL learners. However, the way it is generally taught in EFL contexts does not seem to be conducive to its acquisition. This study investigates the teaching of EFL listening in Moroccan public high schools. More specifically, it probes into how and how often the listening skill is taught. To this end, a mixed-method approach is adopted, which combines data from questionnaires, document analysis, interviews, and classroom observations collected from 158 teachers and 144 students who volunteered to participate in this study. The findings revealed that Moroccan public high school EFL teachers rarely teach listening due to various reasons. When they do teach it, though, they generally adopt a product-based approach that focuses mainly on testing comprehension. The study concludes with numerous pedagogical and research implications, such as the need for quality pre-service and in-service training in the teaching of EFL listening and the need for improving the quality and approach of listening materials and activities in the textbooks.


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EFL listening, product approach, process approach

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v8i3.5640


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