Javier Suárez López


Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching materials available online and for free and with as few limitations to access as possible. These materials offer a wide range of advantages in terms of availability, adaptability, and motivation. However, there are certain issues that must be addressed to ensure their widespread use, including funding, incentives, digital competence, or time and effort invested in their creation, among others. The purpose of this study is to survey L2 university professors to discover the main benefits and obstacles that this kind of materials poses for these professionals, being this group of subjects one that enjoys great autonomy to select class materials outside traditional textbooks. The ultimate goal of the study was to compare these findings with previous academic literature in order to observe if there have been any shifts in how OER are perceived. The findings reveal that while advantages traditionally associated with OER persist, there seems to be a shift regarding the obstacles faced by professionals in the field of education, with some disadvantages losing importance while new ones appear to be gaining prominence.


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open educational resources, teaching languages, materials for L2 teaching, professors’ perspective, creating materials

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfl.v9i1.5873


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