Nhu Ho, Khanh-Quynh Tran, Thanh-Thuy Tran


This study aims to explore English lecturers’ perceptions of using mobile applications in teaching non-English majors, focusing on their benefits and associated challenges. Seven lecturers joined a survey and shared their insights towards integrating mobile applications in their teaching. Collected results showed that most of the lecturers have a positive attitude toward the use of mobile applications in their teaching practice, highlighting their potential to enhance students’ learning outcomes and engagement in English lessons. Nevertheless, there are some challenges that the lecturers share, such as time constraints, technological limitations, student-related challenges, financial limitations, and pedagogical challenges, which sometimes lead to lecturers’ hesitation to integrate mobile applications into their lessons. Thus, implications for educators and policymakers are provided to optimize mobile-assisted teaching strategies.


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mobile applications, non-English majors, lecturers’ perceptions, English teaching

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