The purpose of this study is to find out the predictive degree of university students’ levels of need for cognition and metacognition on their academic achievement. A total of 253 university students formed the study group. To collect the data of the study, ‘The Metacognition Awareness Inventory’ (MAI) and ‘The Need for Cognition Scale’ (NFCS) were used to measure students’ metacognitive awareness and their tendency to think and enjoy thinking. For the students’ academic performance, the average points (GPA) that they got during the term were taken into consideration. The correlation analysis revealed the fact that there is a significant and positive relationship between students’ levels of need for cognition, metacognition and their academic achievement at the level of p<0.01. The multiple linear regression analysis suggested that the power of need for cognition and metacognition to predict academic achievement are meaningful. In another word, the two independent variables, namely need for cognition and metacognition can be considered as the significant predictors of the dependent variable, academic achievement.
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