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Banjica, Merita, South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
Bao, Nguyen Quoc, Thoi Lai High School, Can Tho, Vietnam
Behbudi, Sakineh, PhD Student, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, Sarab Branch, Islamic Azad University, East Azerbaijan Province, Sarab, Iran
Bekis, Tuğba Nur, Graduate Student Kirikkale University, Institute of Social Sciences, Turkey
Bithiah, Susanna Bithiah Varma, Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor, Kampus Segamat, 85000 Segamat, Johor Darul Ta’zim, Malaysia
Bombaes, Ace N., University of Perpetual Help System, Pueblo de Panay, Roxas, Philippines
Boughoulid, Mustapha, Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Letters and Human Science, Marrakech, Morocco
Bozkırlı, Kürşad Çağrı, Department of Social Sciences and Turkish Language Education, Faculty of Education, Kafkas University, Turkey
Buechel, Laura Loder, Zurich University of Teacher Education, Zurich, Switzerland
Bwire, Adelheid, Department of Educational, Communication and Technology, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Cajamarca Alvear, Tania, Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador
Chau, Tran Ngoc Bao, MA, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam
Chegini, Leila Bahadivand, Department of English Language, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Chemutai, Koske Lily, Docteure en Sciences du langage Enseignante/chercheuse à l’Université de Maasai Mara, Kenya
Chi, Nguyen Phuong, School of Foreign Languages, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), Vietnam
Dündar, Esin, Anadolu University, Turkey
Degreume, D., Institute of Education Research, Xiamen University, No. 422, Siming South Road, Xiamen 361000, Fujian, P. R. of China
Deldeniya, Madhubashini, Graduate School of Management (GSM), Management and Science University, Malaysia
Deregözü, Aysel, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey
Diarassouba, Sidiky, Department of English, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Cocody, Abidjan, Côte-d’Ivoire
Diem, Pham Ngoc, Ho Chi Minh City Technical and Economic College (HOTEC), Vietnam
Digiacomo, Alexander, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
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