Mustafa Ghasib Abdulzahra, Muthana Layth Hatem


The process of selecting sports talents is still based on basic determinants and the best practitioners of the event at the levels of various sports, which will rely on the training curricula later hoping to achieve in the championships and win medals, without focusing and taking into account the type of gene and genetic traits supporting this, so this process is random and incomplete lacks the elements of the foundations of success that are built on it, with the numbers of doses of training loads that will have the greatest impact and bear fruit to achieve the goals of the Olympic champion industry, and for this the determination of The pattern of gene expression that distinguishes emerging physical strength, which accelerates the ways to reach the required higher levels, and here the results of training emerge by saving a lot of effort, time and money, and this is what prompted the researchers to study the phenomenon of research and ask the question, what is the impact of gene patterns (ACTN3) on the level of achievement as a determinant for the selection of sports talents for physical strength players. The research aimed to find the effect of the patterns of the gene (ACTN3) and its association with the level of achievement of physical strength players. The researchers used the descriptive approach with correlation and identified the research community as players of the Iraq team for physical strength sports, junior group under the age of (15 years). The study came out with the following conclusions: (ACTN3) gene types, specifically the allele (RR), affect the strength and speed of muscle fiber contraction, unlike the endurance allele (XX).


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genotype (ACTN3), level achievement

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfnsm.v5i1.184


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