Haider Kazem Abdel Zahra


The study aimed to build and codify self-monitoring scales in light of desired behavior and sports fears. There is also a significant correlation between self-control in the light of the desired behavior and the mathematical concerns of the research sample, while the research areas included the human field. The human field: weightlifters in the central and southern region. The time range is determined: the period from 1/3/2024 to 1/5/2024. While the spatial field in the sports halls was weightlifting. Where The researcher built and codified self-control scales in the light of the desired behavior as well as sports concerns, and the researcher used the method (survey), and the research sample consisted of 150 players from the central and southern region weightlifting players and the (SPSS) system was used to obtain the results of the research, and the researcher concluded that there is an inverse correlation between self-control in the light of the desired behavior and sports concerns in the research sample, i.e. the greater the degree of self-control, the lower the degree of sports fears and vice versa. The researcher recommended the need to use the scale of sports fears in the periods preceding sports competitions to infer the psychological aspect of the players.


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building and codifying, self-control in the light of behavior, mathematical fears

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