Festus A. Adegoju, Joseph Kolawole Abon


Numerous studies have made attempt at identifying adequate recovery stratagem for amateur athletes. But little or no study has assessed the prolonged effects of whole-body vibration (WBV) as a recovery technique on selected health components after performance. This study investigated the effects of whole body vibration training on some selected health related fitness components among amateur players in The Polytechnic, Ibadan football team, Ibadan, Nigeria. The study was carried out using pretest posttest control group experimental research design. Twenty (20) participants partook in the research; they were placed into two groups; the experimental group (A) who undertook eight weeks of whole body vibration training while the participants in group B form the control group. Pretest and posttest values were elicited and then subjected to empirical analysis. Numerous studies have made attempt at identifying adequate recovery stratagem for amateur athletes. But little or no study has assessed the prolonged effects of whole-body vibration (WBV) as a recovery technique after performance. This study therefore investigated the effects of whole body vibration training on some selected health related health fitness components among amateur players among The Polytechnic, Ibadan football team, Ibadan, Nigeria. Descriptive statistics of mean, percentages, chats and inferential statistics of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to test all hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The results revealed a significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores of players with muscular endurance (F(1, 18) =10.047; p<0.05; ƞ2=.137) and muscular strength (F(1, 18) =19.317; p<0.05; ƞ2=.327). However, the effect of WBV was not significant on flexibility (F(1, 18) =1.006; p>0.05; ƞ2=.062). So, the hypothesis was not rejected. It was concluded that whole body vibration training significantly improved the muscular endurance and muscular strength recovery of the participants, but was not significant on flexibility. It was therefore recommended that football coaches should incorporate whole body vibration training more into their training programme as muscular endurance and muscular strength are essential health fitness components needed to play football game.

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physical fitness, health related physical fitness components, cardiovascular endurance, cardiovascular strength, and flexibility

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejfnsm.v1i2.83


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