COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2, and it was first reported in Wuhan province of China. RT-PCR test for viral nucleic acids in the diagnosis of COVID-19 is the gold standard method. However, when the number of patients admitted to the emergency department is too high, it may take a long time to result in the PCR test. In areas where suspicious cases are followed in isolation, possible PCR negative cases are also at risk. In the study, the data of patients who were admitted to the emergency department of Samsun Training and Research Hospital with the suspicion of COVID-19 in the years 2020-2021 were analyzed retrospectively. Laboratory and chest CT images were examined through the hospital's information processing system. The C-Reactive Protein (CRP), D-dimer, White Blood Cell (WBC) count, and Eosinophil count of the patients admitted as suspicious cases were evaluated. Chest CT images were evaluated according to the CO-RADS classification. A statistically significant difference was found between PCR positive and negative patients in terms of eosinophil count, CRP, d-dimer and CO-RADS classification. In our study, tests were evaluated at the stage of making a faster and more accurate diagnosis. In addition, the patient group included in our study is a specific group of patients who did not receive any medical treatment that could affect the results of the examination. As a result, when our study and previous studies are evaluated, CRP, d-dimer, eosinophil count and computerized tomography are the tests that can be used in the diagnosis of COVID-19. And examinations can be used in units where rapid diagnosis is required, such as emergency services.
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