Analiza C. Victoriano, Johdel C. Cabaluna


Over the past decade, the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased dramatically in the Philippines. The primary goal of this study is to determine and analyze the effects of mirror therapy on the behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as well as to develop nursing care guidelines for dealing with their challenging behavior. The experimental evidence will be the primary focus of this paper. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to close the gaps in knowledge about mirror therapy, which is currently being used in the learning activities of children with special needs, as well as to generally align with broader and more specific objectives. Ultimately, the study finds that the children with ASD before mirror therapy displayed negative behavior. On the other hand, positive remarks were evidently seen in the behavior of the children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) after they have undergone activities related to mirror therapy application. There were clear and noticeable changes seen in the behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) once exposed to mirror therapy. The result of the mirror therapy application was positive changes in the behavior and made them productive while learning the lesson. The result implies that there is no significance to the respondents’ behavior both with and without mirror therapy since the null hypothesis failed to reject. In order to enhance the learning skill and ability of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Comprehensive Mirror Therapy Assessment Measure should be practiced in a special education class since it will definitely help them cope with the lesson and improve their learning aptitude.


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ASD, mirror therapy, behavior, developing guidelines, nursing, effects

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