Inumanye Nkechi Ojule, Humble Barilugbene Te-Erebe


Background: Substance use disorder is a major social and public health problem all over the world. This menace cuts across all age groups, but the adolescents and youths who are still undergoing physiological and psychological developments tend to be the most vulnerable and most affected. This study centred on the prevalence and predictors of substance use disorder among secondary school students in urban and rural settings of Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Multi-stage sampling was applied in selecting 400 respondents from eight government secondary schools in the L.G.A. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were used. Collected data were analysed using SPSS version 20.0. For all analyses level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Prevalence of substance use disorder obtained was 37% for Urban and 38% for rural respondents. Alcohol was the most commonly abused in both settings 46.5% urban vs 47.2% rural followed by kola-nut, cannabis and opiate/codeine. Rural students indulged more (29.13%, 15.09%, 11.32%) than urban students (22.64%, 11.81%, 7.87%) respectively. The majority of respondents were introduced to substance use by family members and friends. The reason given for substance use by the most was to be awake, peer pressure and curiosity. Being male, age group 16-20 years, and living in polygamous and single parents’ homes were noted to be predictors of substance use disorder.  Conclusion: Based on the results from the study, it can be concluded that substance use disorder is a common problem among secondary school students in both the urban and rural settings of Rivers State.


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prevalence, predictors, substance use disorder, students

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