Atty. Irineo F. Martinez, Jr.


The Perpetual Group of Companies, primarily a health and academic community, had been challenged by the drastic effects of COVID-19 resulting in the deaths of some frontliners and creating fear among its managers, faculty, doctors, and allied medical personnel. Some students who presumably have higher immunity compared with their mentors have been reported to be sick, thus missing some synchronous class meetings.  Given this scenario, it is imperative for top management to solicit members of the organization to find innovative solutions to ensure the continuity of the business units in helping their employees to cope with the unprecedented crisis. While the business managers had explored scientific strategies, COVID-19’s impact on its personnel continues to require innovations to help each other in surmounting their problems in life and at work. This paper discusses a general impression of perpetualite’s attempt to broaden the scope of an organizational intervention by exploring the impact of COVID-19 on its organization, more specifically, its human capital. It will attempt to revive the Institutional Loyalty Program as a way of identifying the main challenges and opportunities as a logical antidote to the pandemic towards using it as an organization development (OD) tool.


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institutional loyalty program, managing planned change, institutional networking

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