Gokhan Ozkan, Gorkem Yahyaoglu, Arif Aksoy


Covid-19, which emerged in the Wuhan province of China and was diagnosed in January 2020, became a worldwide epidemic and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. On these dates, the first case was seen in our country. Coronavirus, from person to person, is known that it is transmitted through small droplets that come out with speaking, sneezing, or coughing. It is clear that the issue that health workers and health worker candidates, who take on a great responsibility during the pandemic, will pay the most attention is the issue of hygiene. The importance of this regard should be instilled in students at university desks. The aim of this study is the measurement of hygiene attitudes of students studying in the health departments of Eurasia University during Covid-19. It is thought that the reason for this situation in which students studying in health sciences are more conscious about hygiene is that they work in risky groups in contact with microorganisms. In this context, it is recommended that education related to hygiene should be increased in the future. It is thought that our study, which is thought to contribute to the process, can be applied to larger masses in the future.


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hygiene, pandemic, Covid-19

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