Manolis Nikolaos Mentis, Eleni Mavroeidi, Anastasia Malevskaia, Nikolaos Karalis, Georgia Konstantopoulou


Since its emergence in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, COVID-19 has rapidly become a pandemic spreading to all countries worldwide and demanding urgent healthcare response. The social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has taken variable shapes and forms regarding its effect on communities and decision-making, while the major risks probably arise not from the virus itself but from the indirect effects of the control measures and the societal activities. Owing to experiences from previous pandemics generating global health crises such as the HIV5 pandemic (1980), the Spanish flu (1918) and the 2009 flu the healthcare community had now more scientific facts to handle the COVID-19 pandemic as shown by the faster time it took for the development and licensing of the vaccines from the time the first case was identified. Although the control and vaccination strategies against the COVID-19 virus are still controversial issues as they have the potential to multiply the impact of the pandemic, this report aims to provide a timely review on the facts regarding the measures and the policy-making in Greece and how they affected the citizens in a socioeconomic and psychological context.


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Coronavirus (COVID-19), vaccination, Greek, scientific facts

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Copyright (c) 2023 Manolis Nikolaos Mentis, Eleni Mavroeidi, Anastasia Malevskaia, Nikolaos Karalis, Georgia Konstantopoulou

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