Alexandra J. Salazar, Maria Erika N. Sahagun, Trisha Marie D. Salayo, Marian Rose S. Salazar, James Thomas S. Salmon, Jane Cristel D. Sanchez, Marica G. Estrada, Enrique M. Cruz III


The three components of Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) include Compassion Satisfaction (CS), Compassion Fatigue (CF) and Burnout (BO). These affect the way nurses perceive their jobs and how they perform during their work, which, in turn, may affect the quality of care rendered to patients. In spite of the implications of ProQOL, little research has been performed in the Philippines. This descriptive correlational study aimed to determine the relationship between the frequency of exposure to stressors and the potential for developing CS, CF and BO among medical-surgical nurses in selected government hospitals in Metro Manila. The researchers utilized a three-part questionnaire: (1) Demographic profile; (2) Personal and Work-Related Stress Tool, which measured the exposure to personal and work-related stressors; and (3) Professional Quality of Life version V, which measured the potential for development of CS, CF, and BO among the nurses. The data was analyzed using Descriptive Statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The findings revealed that CS had moderately strong negative correlations with a low sense of mastery and purpose in life, inadequate knowledge and experience, and stressful nurse-patient relationships. CF, however, had moderately strong positive correlations with stress from traumatic experiences and inadequate knowledge and experience. Lastly, BO had a moderately strong positive correlation with stress from inadequate knowledge and experience.


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compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, burnout, stressors

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Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandra J. Salazar, Maria Erika N. Sahagun, Trisha Marie D. Salayo, Marian Rose S. Salazar, James Thomas S. Salmon, Jane Cristel D. Sanchez, Marica G. Estrada, Enrique M. Cruz III

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