Julie Bless Parcon, Gaudy Ortizo


This quantitative research study was conducted to determine the extent of workplace diversity implementation in private tertiary hospitals in General Santos City for the calendar year 2022- 2023. The respondents of this study were the randomly selected 300 regular employees from the total population of 1,205 employees. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilized in this study to identify the moderator and determine the workplace diversity implementation model. Based on the findings of the study, the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the extent of the implementation of workplace diversity and the level of satisfaction of the employees in the implementation of workplace diversity is rejected because of the p-values <0.05. The hypothesis that the profile of the respondents does not moderate the relationship between the extent of implementation of workplace diversity and the level of satisfaction of employees in the implementation of workplace diversity is also rejected because of the p-value of < .001. Further, the findings were enriched with qualitative data that surfaced three major themes from the focus group discussion: (1) Fairness and Equity in Compensation and Benefits, (2) Management Imposed Time, and (3) Limited Training for Non-Medical Personnel. Hence, Workplace Diversity Model is recommended to take effect in the private tertiary hospitals in General Santos City to strengthen the implementation of workplace diversity in the functional areas of human resource management.


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workplace diversity implementation, workplace diversity model, functional areas of human resource

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