Mustafa Ghasib Abdulzahra, Muthana Layth Hatem


The study aimed to find out the effect of fitness exercises according to the method of gradient lack of oxygen on the parameters of arterial blood gases for futsal players. The researchers determined their research community in a deliberate way, namely the players of Maysan Sports Futsal Club in Maysan Governorate, the category of applicants over the age of (20) years, and registered with the lists of the Football Sub-Federation for the sports season (2022-2023), which numbered (26) players. The researchers concluded the following Fitness exercises according to the gradient method affected the lack of Oxygen has a significant effect on the parameters of arterial blood gases, in the regulation balance (pH), raising the level of gas pressure (pO2) and the level of (Hco3), and inhibiting the level of gas pressure (pCO2) in the blood, and the preference was for the experimental group compared to the control group.


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hypoxia exercises, arterial blood gases

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