Background: The National Health Insurance Program of the Philippines, commonly known as PhilHealth, is a government program that aims to provide accessible healthcare for Filipinos by subsidizing the payment of healthcare services, including physicians’ fees. Assessing physicians' satisfaction towards PhilHealth is useful as a basis for policy developments to enable them to maintain accreditation and continue providing service to the community. This study investigates PhilHealth-accredited Filipino physicians with the goal of providing insights into their perceptions and levels of satisfaction with PhilHealth coverage and processes. Methods: This study utilized a descriptive cross-sectional approach. A validated questionnaire was administered to 103 respondents consisting of practicing physicians in Bacolod City who are also part of the faculty at the University of St. La Salle College of Medicine. The survey assessed satisfaction across four areas, namely: accreditation, reimbursement, PhilHealth Benefit Packages, and overall satisfaction. Results: Findings reveal varying levels of satisfaction among different clinico-demographic profiles and medical specialties. Private practitioners and male physicians reported dissatisfaction with the accreditation processes, whereas other groups were satisfied. There was dissatisfaction in most of the different specialties (except for neurologists, who were satisfied) with the reimbursement processes, particularly regarding time and amount. Orthopaedics and General Practitioners were satisfied with the PhilHealth Benefit Packages, contrasting with dissatisfaction among other specialties. Despite varied factors studied, general dissatisfaction among the respondents towards PhilHealth was prevalent. Conclusions: This study shows overall dissatisfaction among Filipino physicians with the current PhilHealth coverage and processes, suggesting that improvements are needed.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejphs.v7i3.187
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marla Joy L. Dadap, Kristina P. Grecia, Tisha Celine Erika G. Ocampo, Anjelo Roel A. Sola, Frederic Ivan L. Ting

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