Rylle Cloie Andales, Rona Mariel Capuno, Marie Kholeen Cerbas, Jilianne Mulit, Khent Julius Embradora, Jovenil Bacatan


This study aimed to determine whether grit and resilience predict the students' psychological well-being. Stratified random sampling was used, and it included 200 students. Through non-experimental quantitative descriptive-correlational research technique, validated questionnaires, Mean, Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (Pearson-r), and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, results revealed that the students exhibited a moderate level of grit and psychological well-being while the level of resilience was high or oftentimes manifested. Notably, consistency of interest as a domain of grit best predicts the students' psychological well-being. Additionally, perseverance of effort and resilience were significant predictors of psychological well-being. It is recommended that students cultivate these qualities to handle setbacks better and adapt to new situations to enhance their psychological well-being. Lastly, future researchers are recommended to widen the scope to include a more diverse range of respondents across various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds to improve the generalizability of findings.


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grit, resilience, psychological well-being, senior high school, college students

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