This study explored the attitudes towards aging among older adults in Southville 8B, Rodriguez, Rizal, focusing on three key domains: psychosocial loss, physical change, and psychological growth. Using a descriptive research design, data were collected from 55 respondents through a structured questionnaire. Findings revealed a generally high attitude towards aging, with a grand mean score of 2.71. Among the domains, psychological growth scored the highest (3.16), highlighting positive perceptions such as a sense of privilege in aging and a desire to contribute to younger generations. The physical change domain also reflected a high attitude (2.66), with respondents demonstrating adaptability and recognition of the importance of maintaining physical health. However, the psychosocial loss domain revealed a low attitude (2.32), indicating challenges such as feelings of loneliness, exclusion, and diminished social involvement.
These findings underscore the need for targeted interventions to enhance the quality of life for older adults. Recommendations include fostering social connections through community-based programs, promoting physical activity via age-friendly health initiatives, and celebrating the contributions of older adults through intergenerational projects. The study emphasizes the importance of addressing the physical, social, and psychological aspects of aging to create a supportive and inclusive environment for the elderly. Future research should continue to explore the evolving needs of older adults to inform policies and programs that promote positive aging experiences.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Shandy Rica Abarino, Brix Arenas, Audreyn Jade Baclig, Vhonjonifa Cabais, Katrisia Ara Carreon, Joy Diego Eiannah, Carlo Matthew Estrada, Bryan Jetajobe, Joshua Mendoza, Denise Angela Raytan, Jule Mhar Saga, Antoinette Pearl San Diego, Kotomi Trinidad, Bea Jozzel Tuñacao, Melody Yanos

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