The study investigated the role of early childhood learners in the broader climate change, health and wellness ecosystem and assessed the impact of climate change on the health and wellbeing of early childhood learners. It is premised on the backdrop that children are particularly susceptible to environmental influences, which have a profound impact on their health and overall well-being. It was guided by the critical theory, constructivism and pragmatism. The study utilised preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA). Inclusivity and exclusivity criteria were followed, covering publications between 2014 and 2023. A total of 15 papers were sampled, comprising 10 empirical, 1 systematic review and 4 conceptual. Results show that many studies highlight the adverse effects climate change has on early childhood learners, bringing significant threats to their health and wellness. Findings point to the indirect effects of climate change on early childhood education and nutrition. The author agrees with most findings that stress the importance of teaching early childhood learners about climate change, health, and wellness requires age-appropriate strategies. Introducing gardening projects at school or home can teach children about the importance of growing their own food, discussing the importance of conserving resources like water and energy, engaging in activities like creating crafts from recycled material or conducting clean-up drives in the local community. The study proposes that the government, institutions of learning and the community should enhance healthcare systems, adopt community-driven adaptation strategies, integrate climate education into the ECE curriculum and support SDGs promoting early childhood education and development (ECED).
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