This study is to explore the effects of music therapy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on psychological disorders that are easy to attack stroke patients. Moreover, relevant psychological intervention measures to mitigate adverse emotions, such as depression, anxiety and fear, were proposed. The theory of music therapy of TCM was applied to relieve depression, anxiety and fear of stroke patients during the rehabilitation period. A control group who received conventional rehabilitation treatment was set. Compared with the traditional western medicine treatment, the music therapy of TCM not only shortened the rehabilitation period of stroke patients significantly but also mitigated negative emotions like depression, anxiety and fear greatly. In a word, the music theory of TCM is useful in psychological disorder management of stroke patients. Specifically, it can enhance bodily functions and improve quality of daily life, disease knowledge and satisfaction with medical treatment, as well as neurological deficits of stroke patients. In this study, the music therapy group of TCM is significantly more optimistic toward life than the control group, indicating that the music therapy of TCM can improve quality of daily life and relieve the discomfort of stroke patients. Furthermore, the music therapy of TCM helps patients to accept treatment actively while alleviating their negative emotions, such as hostility and boredom to the treatment. According to research conclusions, a new treatment of psychological disorders of stroke patients shall be developed by combining the music therapy of TCM and western clinical medicine.
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