This study aimed to investigate the effect of a short-term combined exercise intervention program on perceived self-efficacy, fatigue, lower back flexibility, balance and task specific functional mobility in cancer patients. Fifteen patients met all the eligibility criteria and were assigned to a single training group (range age, 22-75 years) that performed an 8-week intervention program (~60min, 2d·wk-1). Each session included a progressive training of cardiorespiratory, resistance, flexibility and postural education exercises. Measures pre-intervention and post-intervention included psychological and physiological measurements. Adherence to training was high (92.3±5.2%) and no major health problem were noted in the participants over the 8 weeks. Measures of fatigue have significantly decreased (p<0.001; -27.7%) and perceived capability to regulate negative affect (p < 0.001; +18.2%) and to express positive emotions (p = 0.003; +11.8%) improved between the pre- and post-study measurements. Highly significant increases were observed in the trunk lateral flexibility test (L: p<0.001; -13.2%; R: p<0.001; -12.8%), stork balance stand test (L: p<0.001, +30.1%; R: p<0.001, +66.7%), and in the number of standing up and sitting down from a chair within 30 seconds (p<0.001; +20.4%). Results suggest that a short-term combined exercise program may improve the physical fitness, functional capacity, capability to manage emotional life and reduce levels of perceived fatigue in cancer patients providing an important support to deal with the physiological and psychological side effects.
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