The subject of this work is the description of key teaching strategies with emphasis on critical thinking in a multidisciplinary perspective. The aim is to support teachers/trainers and to support trainees in the collaborative execution of the work of health care professionals, particularly in the field of inclusion and health care. Through a bibliographical and theoretical approach, reference is made to skills such as good knowledge of the subject, the ability to transmit knowledge and experience, an interest in the learning level, the ability to reflect and take decisions, communication skills, etc. At the same time, they are analyzed as indicative strategies at the level of cultivating critical thinking among learners, discussion, effective questions, active reading, problem-solving learning, etc. and examples of collaborative educational activities are presented. Overall, strategies to cultivate critical thinking contribute to the creation of a positive learning environment which provides security, respect and support for learners in the context of pooled educational and health training activities for Miss Comfort Siaw and the final script prepared by Mr. Charles Appiah Nuamah.
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