This study was aimed at finding out the prevalence of eclampsia among pregnant women at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. This study is a retrospective study conducted at the Medical Record Department of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital for the year January 2007 to December 2011. The data collected were of patients admitted within the year of study with no history of hypertension, diabetes, circulatory defect and no history of convulsion. The descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages were used to summaries the data. The total number of women who delivered within the 5 years period of study were 5191 out of which 294(5.66%) had eclampsia. Eclampsia occurs more among primigravidae 65.3%, those who do not attend antenatal patients 75.9%, during ante-partum 45.6%, women with no formal education 60.3%, those who are resident in high density areas 86.7%, within the age range of 20-29(48.3%), during third trimester 94.8%, more during the raining season 44.2%, and among women with previous history of eclampsia 2.8%. The outcome of this study shows that the prevalence of eclampsia at the University of Maiduguri teaching Hospital is high; it also shows increase in 2008, decrease in 2009 and 2010 and a marked increase in 2011 for the prevalence of eclampsia. It is therefore important that all levels of health care Intuitions be equipped and facilitated for the care and management of eclamptic women, women should also be encouraged and educated about the importance of ante natal care, physiotherapy should also be include as part of the ante natal care program.
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