The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the depression of university students and to investigate statistically predictive factors of depression types. In Greece, the University is the beginning of a new life for all young people who enter adulthood from adolescence and when it is one of life's greatest goals, it often produces symptoms of stress and depression. Students have difficulty organizing and managing their work, setting goals and identifying priorities, working in groups, stressing public speaking, and experiencing emotional disturbances. So, we administered the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scale to 101 students at the University of Patras in Greece. The BDI measures the cognitive, behavioural, and physical manifestations of one's depression (and severity of depression) over the last week and includes 21 questions, ranging from 0-3, and depending on the overall score, 1) the depression is interpreted as normal 2) as a mild mood disorder, 3) as marginal clinical depression, 4) as moderate depression, 5) as severe depression and 6) as extreme depression. In this study, we separated our dataset into the above six depression categories and applied linear regression to predict the category Depression from the rest of the questionnaire variables. According to the results, we achieved a total prediction of 98% of the dataset that calculates the Regression equation.
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