This study determined the relationship between mesosystem and sexual risk behaviours of adolescents in Anambra State. The study was guided by two research questions and one null hypothesis. Correlational research design was used, and the sample consisted of 1470 adolescents in the senior secondary school selected using multi-stage procedure. The instruments for data collection were, mesosystem of Adolescent Questionnaire (MSAQ), made up 8 items and gave reliability coefficient of .81 and Sexual Risk Behaviours Questionnaire (SRBQ), made up of 23 items which gave reliability coefficient of .88. Research question 1was answered using percentages and research question 1 and 2 were Percentages while research question 3 answered using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. Hypothesis was tested using Simple Regression Analysis at 0.05 Level of Significance. The results showed that majority of the adolescents had good interactions in their mesosystem. There is significant relationship between mesosystem and adolescents’ sexual risk behaviours. Based on the findings, it was concluded that mesosystem is a significant predictor of adolescents’ sexual risk behaviours. Health educators should find innovative ways of educating the adolescents on the dangers of sexual risk behaviours, using peer and media since it has been found to be a predictor of sexual risk behaviours.
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