Kennedy Nyeseh Ofori, Michael Mensah Gyasi


The study aimed at examining youths in rural perspectives on the severity of HIV and AIDS compared to other diseases. The study conducted in Fanteakwa District of Ghana involved youths between the ages of 15 – 24 years. The quantitative approach was employed based on the Health Belief Model. Purposive sampling was used to select the district and area councils. Then the communities through simple random technique and finally individual respondents were conveniently selected. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain data which were processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Majority of the respondents (55.7%) were scared of HIV testing and counselling. Also, 59.2% preferred to die from other diseases rather than HIV and AIDS. In addition, sex (p=0.0208) and level of formal education (p=0.000) had significant relationship with one preferring to die from other diseases rather than AIDS. The study recommended the effective use of social as a tool targeted at reducing the fear associated HIV and AIDS among the rural youth. Further studies should be conducted to determine factors that hinder persons in rural areas from participating in HIV Testing and Counselling.

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severity, perception, health belief model, HIV and AIDS, youth, HIV testing and counselling

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