Forida Parvin, Shariful Islam


The aim of this paper is to illustrate the impact of cartoon programs on children's physical health, intelligence, behavior and activities. The findings of this paper are beneficial to the personnel involved in social science studies, public health studies and especially to those communities who are in charge of practicing physiotherapy and rehabilitation studies. Cartoon programs are both advantageous and disadvantageous to the children’s health and activities. Children learn too many good lessons by watching cartoon programs which directly contribute to the language development, behavioral development and educational development. Furthermore, children become aware about physiotherapy and rehabilitation activities, health activities, medical activities which they directly learn from cartoon programs. Besides, cartoon programs have several destructive influences such as injuries to eyesight and hearing, imagination, superstition, learning to lie, inattentiveness in study and violence those are also illustrated in this paper. Investigation was carried out on several popular cartoon programs and then the information was collected to prepare the manuscript. This paper is practice based and the outcomes are helpful to the scholars involved in cartoon program studies and to work for the improvement of children’s both physical and mental health. This paper opens possible ways for the scholars to further study in this field.


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physiotherapy, rehabilitation, intelligence, physical health, imagination, violence, creativity and superstition

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