Luis Cardoso


Literature and Cinema have been linked since the beginning of the history of the seventh art by several connections. The issue of adaptation is one of the main themes that emerged in this context. Portuguese literature is also marked by numerous adaptations of literary texts to the cinema, which aroused different points of view on this phenomenon. The filmmakers themselves have different opinions on this topic, but the so-called criterion of fidelity to the book was soon forgotten and substituted for the recognition of the independence of the film as an aesthetic creation, with the use of expressions such as transposition or equivalence. Since the inaugural work of Bluestone, the topic of adaptation has raised theoretical approaches and, nowadays, it is increasingly agreed that the phenomenon of adaptation should not be associated with a dependence on the book, but with the reading that director made of the book and how it created a new narrative, told in images.

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Portuguese literature, adaptations, cinema

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejls.v2i2.210


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