Pham Khanh Duy


Border war literature (including the Northern border war and the Southwest border war) has made an important contribution to the development of modern Vietnamese literature. In this article, we explore the hauntings of war in two typical novels of the above literature: I and They (Minh va Ho) (Nguyen Binh Phuong) and Paranoia (Hoang tam) (Nguyen Dinh Tu). With the inspiration of psychoanalytic theory, we deeply analyze the obsessions of war crimes, the loneliness of people during and after the war. Through this, we have a deeper insight into the issue of the human being, the spiritual life of the human being, and the relationship between the individual person and the social person.


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haunting by war, the Northern border war, the Southwest border war, psychanalysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejls.v4i1.385


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