Nguyen Hong Linh


Confucius (551- 479 BC) was a great thinker not only of China but of all mankind. He was honored as the "Master of the Universe" representing "eternal teacher". His teachings and conversation process with teachers and students have been collected and edited by students into the Analects, one of the Confucian classics widely used in building feudal state governments in China and Vietnam. In recent years, the Party and State of Vietnam have implemented many undertakings and policies aimed at building, developing and renovating education and training. Along with access to knowledge, and advanced and modern lessons from the West, Confucius's educational thought continues to be recognized and properly appreciated. Our research paper aims to show the application and reception of Confucius' educational ideas in current Vietnamese educational practice.


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reception, educational thought, the analects, Confucius, education in Vietnam

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. Communist Party of Vietnam (2010), Documents of the 10th National Congress of Deputies, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.

. Tran Trong Kim (1993), Confucianism, Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House.

. Nguyen Hien Le (2003), Confucius and the Analects, Literature Publishing House, Hanoi.

. Ho Chi Minh Complete Volume (2000), National Political Publishing House, Hanoi.

. Nguyen Dang Thuc (1991), History of Oriental philosophy, Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House.



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