Žana Gavrilović, Ognjen Kurteš


This article epitomises different approaches to translation and explores the results of the application of the most commonly used translational strategies in literary text translation in an academic context, among the third-year students of the undergraduate studies of English and Chinese and English at the University of East Sarajevo. After the relevant theoretical background, the empirical part of the article offers the presentation and discussion of the most commonly used translational strategies in reference to particular structural elements in a literary text, proper nouns restructuring and culture-specific items adaptation. The premise was that the restructuring of specific translation units was carried out with the application of literal translation, original form retention and paraphrasing, along with the possible deviations from the text faithfulness. The text-based approach and convenience sampling method showed that the most complex part was to restructure the omitted introductory elements in subordinate clauses, time/tense variations in back-shifted clauses in indirect speech and the choice of the most proper strategy in the restructuring of proper nouns (particularly toponyms). Further focus was on the examination of intercultural mismatch and translational restructuring of the source language-specific cultural items. As for the restructuring of proper nouns, the respondents mostly opted for foreignisation, considering the option to be the safest ground.


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literary translation, translation strategies, restructuring, foreignisation, domestication

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmts.v2i1.366


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