This study, based on a self-compiled parallel Chinese-English corpus of multiple translations of Tianwen and the Brown Reference Corpus, conducts an in-depth comparative analysis of the translation styles employed by in-coming and outcoming translators. The findings reveal that translations produced by in-coming translators exhibit a high degree of explicitation, with elevated language complexity, a more formal tone, diverse sentence structures, and a tendency toward foreignization, alongside frequent use of annotations. In contrast, translations produced by those out-coming translators demonstrate rich vocabulary and high information density, yet with simpler sentence structures and minimal variation in sentence length, enhancing readability. This group of translators also adopts foreignization strategies but uses annotations less frequently. As primary contributors to “Translating China,” out-going translators should appropriately draw on the stylistic approaches of in-coming translators, strengthening audience awareness, adding contextual annotations, and enriching language expression, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of cultural dissemination.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmts.v4i2.570
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