Nana Shonia, Zurab Mushkudiani, Sulkhan Makhatadze


Procurement at the local self-government level in Georgia is carried out in accordance with the rules established by the Law of Georgia on State Procurement. In this case, the difference between local and state procurement is not observed at the concept level, the specifics of the municipalities are not considered anywhere. The main objectives of the Law on Public Procurement are to rationalize the funds allocated for procurement, as well as to ensure a fair and non-discriminatory approach to procurement during procurement. However, violations of the principle of justice still occur at the municipal level. Due to the fact that procurement procedures take quite a long time and also, our research has revealed a number of shortcomings related to administration, hindering the effective functioning of municipalities.

JEL: H11; H70

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state procurement, management, municipal. government

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Kikvadze O. 2016 Improving Public Procurement in Public Finance Administration, Tbilisi.

Organic Law of Georgia 2014 - Code of Local Self-Government - Tbilisi, https://matsne.gov.ge/ka/document/view/2244429?publication=55 Accessed 14 April 2015

Law of Georgia on State Procurement, 2005 Tbilisi, https://matsne.gov.ge/ka/document/view/31252?publication=79 Accessed 2019

State Procurement Agency - http://www.procurement.gov.ge/

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v5i2.1122


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Copyright (c) 2021 Nana Shonia, Zurab Mushkudiani, Sulkhan Makhatadze

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