Virginia Kirigo Wachira, Fredrick Kalui, John Gathii


The study aimed at investigating the impact of digital financial services on the financial performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya using secondary dataset generated from the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) and the Communication Authority of Kenya (CAK) for a period of five years (2015-2019). To achieve this objective, the study used a multiple regression and Pearson correlations. The study using the Pearson correlations found negative correlations between mobile money (registered mobile money accounts, active mobile money agents and mobile money deposits and withdrawals), digital payments (P2P transfers) and performance of commercial banks. However, the study found positive and significant relationship between customer deposits, Gross non-performing loans and performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study therefore concludes that digital financial services offered by Fintech companies have a negative impact on the performance of Commercial banks in Kenya and recommends that commercial banks should continuously develop more digital financial services and collaborate more with Fintech companies to improve on their performance. The originality of this study will be of benefit to managers of Commercial banks.

JEL: G21, G23, N27, O30, O31, O39

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digital finance, digital financial services, P2P payments, mobile money, fintech

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