In a global economic environment characterized by complexity and uncertainty, business leaders need periodic accounting and financial information to ensure the relevance of the management they are in charge of. The innovation of an Integrated Management Journal -EDR, or JIG-EDR, Basis of the information system of SMEs, ensuring the availability of information at the fingertips, at the right time to make appropriate decisions on a daily basis is the key to success and is a primary condition to ensure the sustainability of the company. The innovation of an Integrated Management Journal - EDR or JIG-EDR, help managers to keep track of all the operations carried out within the company in an integrated, coherent, easy to program and use way, and the results are easy to interpret. This ease of use is its strong point, as it can be used even by accounting laymen. And so, it will allow the SME manager to overcome the handicaps of accounting complexity. The JIG-EDR will allow elaborating in a very simple way Strategic Dashboards and Current Management Dashboards. This innovation meets a real need for company managers who will no longer wait until the end of the year to try to understand their balance sheet and make late decisions that could jeopardize their company.
JEL : L20 ; L23
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