The COVID-19 lead to huge changes in the world economy: destabilization of economies, degradation of the structure of world finance, unemployment and fragility, disruption of logistics chains, near-stop of activities and travel, etc. States are called upon to be below invigilate and flexible in order to put in place adequate policies to adapt to this new unstable context and revive economic activity. At a time when the first signs of an improvement in health are appearing, several countries are beginning to reflect on the next phase of economic recovery and on the role of strong public action to stimulate demand, ensure replacement incomes and promote new investments. This remains a key issue as States have decided to stop a large number of activities during the containment phase. All this pushed us to reflect on the cost of this crisis and mainly on the role of the State after the pandemic to stimulate the economy and promote new investments to return to global equilibrium. An analysis of the different studies reveals a taxonomy of trends and scenarios. While the role of the state is crucial according to experts and officials, the only problem is that they do not completely agree. Through this paper, we try to analyze and decipher the economic impacts of COVID-19 in order to see what the different policies are to be considered by the States to minimize the impact of this pandemic, first of all, and then to revive the economic fabric to return to general equilibrium.
JEL: A11, O11, O40, P11, P24
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Copyright (c) 2022 Abdelhamid Boulaksili, Mhamed Hamiche, Ouail El Imrani, Najoua Chaouche, Yousra El Hajel

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