The study that was carried out in Abia State, Nigeria made use of 120 respondents realized through multi–stage sampling methods. Data generated via structured questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Z–test analysis respectively. Results revealed that 66.7% of the Heads of Households (H/H) were married and 75% were males and 25% females. A mean age of 46.8 years and a mean monthly income of ₦38,750.00 were recorded by the H/Hs. A mean household size of 5.7 persons and a mean farm size of 2.2 hectares were also recorded. About 75% of the H/Hs were literates with mean years of farming experience of 22.9 years. Results equally, revealed that the H/Hs had a low level (X = 1.5) of awareness on what constituted child-labour. A very high proportion (72.9%) of the H/Hs indicated that 83.3% of the activities in cocoa production involved child-labour. Factors such as poverty, hunger, traditions, death of parents, lack of mechanization and high cost of labour among others were identified as factors influencing the involvement of child-labour in the study area. Results revealed that there is no significant difference between what constituted child-labour in cocoa production and factors influencing the involvement of child-labour in the study area. The study recommended that the National Orientation Agency (NOA) of Nigeria should intensify campaign as to educate the masses mostly in the study area, on the negative effects of child-labour both to the child and the larger society.
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